Badenoch LLC
Project Blackfin is an innovation center-for-hire to clients working in two broad categories (the earth-friendly economy, making warfare obsolete) and in four disciplines (mobility, power, water, and waste).
These projects are funded and underway: Badenoch LLC is working with the Government to build a lightweight, energy efficient, survivable utility vehicle for military and delivery use. A second project is the Symbiotic Total Environment ("STE"), which is a small portable 35 kilowatt power supply that also provides 60,000 BTU of air conditioning and 130,000 BTU of heating, and generates both grey and clear, drinkable water sufficient for 10 people per day. The unit has a microbial fuel cell toilet that detoxifies solid human waste and generates enough power each day to run a refrigerator for a month. The packaging (about the size of two port-o-potties, and 500 pounds) allows the units to be shipped economically to remote locations. Perhaps most importantly, the STE allows each unit to plug into a power grid allowing a grid to grow organically one STE at a time. The STE concept can be applied to cattle feed lots to clean black water while generating power. Given that a milk cow generates 100 pounds of solid waste each day, the power generation a feed lot with several thousand animals should be significant, as will the improvement to the water table. A third project is an alternative energy storage and release system designed to augment the power grid; the net-net effect of the storage and release system will be to double the world-wide power generating capacity without building a single power plant. Lastly, Badenoch LLC has designed a highway arbor, an biological structure that grows over the roadways to entrap and transform CO2 gas automobiles near the point of release, namely the roadway. The ecological effect will be to provide migration paths for wildlife over and across the highways.
The focus is on zero emissions solutions; so, all individuals will benefit clean air as will the environment. The ability to provide shelter and utilities will benefit a broad cross section of people, allowing societies to transform organically, without reliance on a power grid infrastructure to preceed growth. The economic impact is difficult to project; however, these technologies should enable a shift to distributed generation of clean power.
Badenoch LLC's Project Blackfin is hard at work building prototypes that have a path to production. Using science, innovation and design to demonstrate the art of the possible is the first step to creating both the demand and the business to supply the products and services that will transform the economic underpinnings of a cleaner, abundant world.
The projects are under development, most in actual hardware and under test. Time will tell.
Clearly, the infrastructure supporting of mobility, power, water and waste are beginning to crumble. The need to have innovative, practical engineers working in a real world laboratory, the Badenoch LLC Project Blackfin, is a key to moving solutions forward. The other part of Project Blackfin is to engage socially conscious, high net worth individuals to support the work, both in the short term and in the long term launch of the projects.
The focus of the work is zero and near zero emmissions power generation and mobility. This cannot be done without considering the impact on embedded emmissions and the effect on water and waste. The systems level thinking is at the root of effort.