The project is funded by DFID (earlier ODA). The Srilanka ICS is a part of the ARECOP network. It therefore benefits the linkages provided through ARECOP.As a network ARECOP has made significant contribution toward establishing effective cooperation diverse stakeholders in addressing improved cookstove and related energy issues. The Network serves as a bridge for exchanges of information, skills, expertise and resources among sectors as diverse as government institutions, NGO, academic and research institutions, community based organizations, international agencies and private institutions. There exists now a broad network of cooperation among agencies working in sectors as diverse as rural energy, gender, forestry, health, etc, that have integrated improve cookstove activities as a component of their activities.The project is an excellent example of a replicable model and can serve as an example to government, companies and international organizations. This initiative has also involved academic institutions in research and impact assessment studies.
The quantified impact of the project -Households financial benefit is about Rs 60/month. They can pay back cost of stove in a period of 2 months; Women s time saved is about 2 hrs/day. Improvement in household financial status has been observed after switching to the Anagi stove.Producers of the stove - Each production unit has an average turnover of Rs 65000. It employs 1 potter and 3 unskilled persons. Average sales turnover is around Rs 55000.In a study done by the Center of Environmental strategy, University of Surrey, it is estimated that considering 4 scenarios, the Anagi Stove has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions within a range of 111 kg/ CO2/capita/year to 266 CO2/capita/year. (Initial Evaluation of CDM type projects in Developing Countries. Dr K.G. Begg et al. Center for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey)