British Sky Broadcasting (BskyB)
BskyB is in a unique position be able to directly communicate with 1 in 3 homes in the United Kingdom (over 8.1 million clients), and they have made a commitment to help raise awareness about climate change and to motivate people to make small changes to benefit the environment. BskyB is the first mass media company to make a commitment to utilize their unique position to advocate for environmental responsibility. The broadcasting company believes that leading by example is crucial, so in June 2006 they became carbon neutral, and they have plans to further reduce their emissions, purchase renewable energy, and use energy more efficiently. They have set up a website ( where they present easy ways for customers to decrease their climate impact. BskyB believes that individually small changes seem insignificant, but together 8 million viewers have the potential to make a difference.
BBSkyB has accepted the opportunity to utilize their mass media boradcasting capability to speak to a large audience about climate change. They are committed to helping people realize that small changes result in significant improvemtns.
Individuals - Individuals will benefit knowing that they can make a difference in the overwhelming topic of climate change. While make changes that will help the climate, individuals will experience the added benefit of saving money.Society - The Bigger Picture program will reach a large audience across the entire Uk, and therefore has the potential to influence and inspire change in the entire society. The program has the potential to give the society a sense of hope and optimism. Economy - Each person that uses fuel and energy more efficiently will spend less money on fuel and energy. This means they will have more money to spend elsewhere. The fuel end energy sectors may suffer losses, but other sectors will experience gains.Environment - If successful, we can expect to see nation-wide reductions in CO2 and other pollutant emissions, and energy demand reductions. The project will encourage regular citizens to participate in the effort fight climate change.
The project will encourage regular citizens to participate in the effort fight climate change. If The Bigger Picture campaign is successful, housholds across the UK will start using energy more efficiently and the movement will become prevalent.
Individual - A portion of the 20 million individuals that are serviced by Sky will take action. In addition, by December 16, 2007 Sky will have distributed 3600 fluorescent light bulbs to customers that receive service. Society - The lifetime energy savings of replacing 3600 incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs is over 5.8 million MJ. If you add the energy savings each individual that participates in energy saving strategies, the overall energy savings could be astounding. Economy - Saving energy will save money, so people that are encouraged by The Bigger Picture campaign and make small changes will have some extra money to spend elsewhere in the economy. Environment - Energy efficiency is important to the environment because producing energy results in air pollution (both greenhouse gas emissions and other hazardous air pollutant emissions). Replacing 3600 incandescent light bulbs will result in over 1100 tones of lifecycle CO2 air pollution reductions.
Ecological - By combating climate change, The Bigger Picture project will help secure the existing ecological balances. Ecosystems are forced to respond and adapt to climate change, but some species will not successfully adapt to rapid changes.Social - This project will help encourage society to value the environment and to take ownership in environmental stewardship. A resposnive and passionate society is adventagous for the clean energy movement. Economical - An advantage of The Bigger Picture project is not expensive to manage, but it will help people realize money (and energy) saving potential.
This project has leverage in the media to encourage socity to embrace a clean energy future. Consumer demand is an important market driver. By helping to create a society that is energy aware, BSkyB is helping to inform and inspire a new trend for clean energy demand.